Sunday 15 January 2012

Stepping out of the box

Talking of we, or rather I, was. I believe that for the past 11 years I've been inside a box marked leukaemia - you know, the dying variety.

I didn't put myself there, consultants, disease and the facts as they were at that time did. But I've certainly helped to keep myself there, I haven't managed to get my head around moving with the times.

And times have certainly changed.....chronic myeloid leukaemia has gone from being a slow death sentence to something which is daily becoming more akin to diabetes, controllable with drugs.

Articles such as: Will I die from Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia help me realise that perhaps I should have a different perspective on life:

I've been thinking like a dying woman, living like a dying woman and loving like a dying woman. Well, no more - I'm tired of that game, it was getting a bit boring anyway!!

So what does a living woman think like? Live like? Love like? Well, that I'm only just beginning to discover, but each and every day I discover something wonderful and new, and I kind of like that feeling.

So yes, this blog is the Diary of a dying woman - but it's the Diary of a dying woman who's  stepping out of a box marked leukaemia and just beginning to live........

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