Sunday 1 January 2012

New Beginnings.

Well, it is the start of a New Year so I guess it's an appropriate time to be thinking about new beginnings.
New Year is a time for thinking of the future, reflecting on the past and letting things go - so this year, that's exactly what I intend to do. In many ways 2011 hasn't been my finest year, I've had better vintages...
I'm a believer in fate, that what is meant to be will be in the end, but despite this we do have choices to make in this life and decisions about what path to follow and how to handle the circumstances that life throws you. I stand by the many decisions I made in 2011, even those that I know have caused others pain, I still believe that I made them for the right reasons and that all of these decisions are just part of the life-plan that has already been mapped out for me.
For me, 2012 feels like the start of a new phase in my life, I don't yet know what it will bring, but it feels like it will be a year of great change, and that I am looking forward to.
The right decisions have to be made at the right time for the people in my life but they start here with the decision to let many things in my past go, to move on, to look to the future whatever that holds.
The things I can influence, although not the timing around them, are where I live, where I work, how I live, how I look after myself, the friendships I make, the positivity I show and share and the people I love. As Mahatma Ghandi said: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world"
In 2012 I am no longer happy to live a comatose life where time is simply passing by. I have things I want to do, I want to change the emphasis of my life, people I want to get to know, feelings I want to feel, places I want to see.
So folks, some of you will be seeing much more of me in 2012. 

And, if I look beyond my own naval for once then I'd like to think, even hope, that perhaps 2012 is going to be a year of change for many of us, perhaps it's time the yuppy generation spent more time looking outwards, perhaps it's a year when we learn more about kindness. Or maybe that's just a reflection of my time of life?!

But whatever 2012 brings, I wish you all love and laughter xxx

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