Friday 13 January 2012

Being boxed in

What is this world's obsession with boxes? I just don't get it - although, if I'm being precise, I no longer get it.

I'm an 80s offshoot, I spent my late teens/early twenties trying to fit myself into the safety of the boxes daughter, wife, mother. Maybe it's because of my curvaceous figure, but I just don't fit those boxes well, or at least, not in the traditional manner.

Upon reflection, I think I was more obsessed with the boxes than the people in and around them. Suffice to say, it got messy!!

Perhaps the box I do fit best is the mother one.......though that may not always have unanimous agreement in this household. But I'm the kind of mother who starts foodfights, who swears in front of her daughters, who lives a life she's not afraid of sharing with her children, I make no apologies for that anymore.

"People need things to do, men and women, they need to be challenged and given a chance to dazzle. Without this a smart person will go crazy. And when women are circumscribed into roles of wife and mother, it will always feel as if men are the ones putting them there, even though, at this point, it is really up to us to say, I am larger and smarter and better and grander and greater than the little box you have tried to shut me in." Elizabeth Wurtzel, Bitch.

I live a life of laughter, of fun, of emotions, of pain, of joy - that doesn't come without risks. 

I shun boxes in this life now,  my mind is open, my heart even more so, the possibilities are endless..........and I have more life in me than most - so come on world, what are you waiting for?!

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