Friday 21 October 2011

An Emotional Network.......

Ah! I hear you shriek, she's blogging again.....what now?!
I got to thinking this week following the reaction to my first blogs, about this facebook/twitter world we live in. Is it real? Is it sane? Is it a sign of the breakdown of society?
I log-in every day and see all your status updates and sometimes you lay bare the feelings you have inside. In one simple little status update I know if you are hurting, happy, angry, in love, or simply looking forward to the weekend.
Is this normal? Is it natural? Does it give us a false sense of closeness? Of society? You read in the papers about how society is being broken down because we spend far too much time on computers and not enough actually meeting and interracting with people.
And I agree - there is no substitute for human interraction, for spending a few hours laughing, smiling loving the people in your life. When in pain the hug of a friend or loved one is the most precious thing in the world.
But I don't think what we do on here is wrong, I think it enhances our lives, it gives us another avenue and outlet for our emotions or it just plain keeps us in touch with people who have touched our lives. How can that be wrong?
Through facebook I have reconnected with old friends and lovers, I have a community of fellow CMLers, I have bonded with Rollo's from all over the world, and I can see what mad, bad but full lives my daughters are following.
And through facebook, and now blogging, I can express myself in a way I was never likely to do in the flesh. Think on this, society before the www was much simpler but for those of us who close things off and cannot express ourselves it was a much lonelier place. I have choked many a time, trying to physically say things I find hard to say, I avoid conflict and emotion.
But actually now, through the beauty of the web I am talking and sharing and laughing and caring and touching you all. And all that from the comfort of the battered old sofa in my bedroom.............

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