Saturday 19 November 2011

And what of men?............................

Well, that was obvious I hear some of you say......and I can hear others bracing themselves in their very masculine chairs....what the hell is she gonna say now?! Well, you gotta let a girl have a bit of fun ;-)

As you may know, there have been a few in my life, some good, some not so good, some that I will never want to forget..... I regret not one of them, they are helping to shape me.

But with leukaemia in your life it's difficult to form meaningful, lasting relationships - you always feel that you are giving the other person a bum deal, and that, if they're of the good variety and you care about them, then they perhaps deserve more than you can offer. It's hard to let people you care about get close to you when you may die on them, who would want to put anyone through that?

So, I've had relationships.....a few. None that have gone the full nine yards! I've become a master at pressing the self-destruct button, so skilled that they often don't realise it's me pushing it. And so here I am again, single - good job I like that status!!

It's really hard when you start a new relationship, you meet a guy, you date, and all the time you're thinking, when do I mention the 'L' word - no, not love, that bit's easy. But when do you tell them you've got leukaemia?

The minute you meet them? Get it out in the open straight away - oh hi, I'm Lorraine, I have leukaemia and am a fan of alliteration......... yup, that would send me running for the hills - mental bird!!

Is it before you sleep with them? You can see the conundrum, here's me, doing my best at 44 to convince myself that I'm still a sexy woman, trying to flirt, seduce, entice (who me?!!) and then as things start to head in the right direction, ie half way up the stairs: you say - oh, by the way, I have leukaemia, it's not curable, I take meds every day, and I'm probably gonna die....... all that hard work on seduction goes out the window, passion killer.

Or, do you wait til afterwards? And they feel slightly cheated, that the person they just had a passionate encounter with, is actually someone else.

For a woman like me, ie full blooded, having such a passion killer in my repertoire is  a complete antithesis.

And here's the thing, people, and more especially, men, they look at you differently when they know you have leukaemia, it's the male protective instinct.........suddenly, they want to care for you! Great, you think, who doesn't want to be cared for?! Well, actually, me....... I don't want/need a carer, I love to be cherished like any sane woman, but I also want to be loved, passionately, despite the leukaemia.

So, it becomes this thing that basically no man (or at least not one I've met yet) can get right for me, they're on a losing track. Some, and usually the good ones, can't bear to talk about it with you, they can't bear to hear me take the piss out of my leukeamia - the 'what's the point of a pension cos I'm dying' line doesn't go down well!! I know that's because they care, but being in denial is not the way forward, it's a massive part of me, if you can't face up to that, then you can't face up to me.

Then there's the ones who face up to it so much they want to be my carer, look after me, love me, support me, cherish me, protect me, smother me, possess me, choke me!! This bird has been on her own far too long to cope with that, I'm far too stubborn and independent to give myself up to another human being in that another relationship bites the dust.

I have ended relationships because of the leukaemia, because of the way it is affecting the other person - it's not an easy thing to cope with, but I cope, sometimes it is far harder for the others in your life. I do recognise now that that was not necessarily my decision to make.....

Some men have been completely up front with me, I don't want a relationship with you because of the leukaemia, I can't cope with it. You gotta admire them for their honesty - problem is, being a woman, that suddenly makes me want them even more!!

One man, in blunt honesty, did say that he couldn't have a relationship with me because I am dying, and he couldn't put himself, or his family, through that - that's the bluntest honesty I've ever had. It crushed me, not just because of who he is in my life, and it is him that gave me the title for this blog..............

But, in all of this, my relationships with men, have been about my craving to be normal, to live a normal life.......I'm beginning to realise that perhaps, even without the leukaemia that is not my way.

So, at this time in my life, instead of looking for love, instead of looking for a relationship to complete me, instead of worrying about dying without a man who loves me in my life.

I'm just enjoying time out, learning to be me, learning to complete myself..................

Monday 7 November 2011

Love Meditation

On a wall in Shining Tree is a plaque with the following Love Meditation - as you know I like to share things that resonate with me.......

"Deep in the centre of my being; there is an infinite well of love, I now allow this love to flow to the surface.
It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied.
The more love I use and give, the more I have to give, the supply is endless. The use of love makes me feel good, it is an expression of my inner joy.

therefore I take loving care of my body
I lovingly feed it nourishing food and beverages.
I lovingly groom and dress it and my body lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy.

therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in.
I fill the rooms with the vibrations of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it.

therefore I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people who I love and who love me, and earning a good income.

therefore I behave and think in a loving way to all people for I know that which I give returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world for they are a mirror of myself.

therefore I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences and I am free....

therefore I love totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright, joyous and secure for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now and forever more.

And so it is....

Shining Tree

Retreating - something I'd always wanted to do but never had the time/courage to. This weekend I went to my first retreat - a health and wellbeing one on the edge of the Fens in the very inaptly named Salter's Lode!

For me the whole experience was amazing, humbling, healing, loving and peaceful. If you've never been on a retreat then I would urge you to consider it, a bit of time to yourself is something we all need at times.

If you're looking for a pamper me spa weekend where you come away and the outside of your body is glowing - then Shining Tree is not the place for you. Instead what I got was taken into the loving home of a couple whose sole purpose for the whole weekend was to care, look after me and teach me ways to help myself.

I had several treatments tailored to my own specific needs, I've been fed the most amazing healthy vegetarian food (I'll never look at a McDonald's again!!) and I've been generally loved, cherished and respected.

I went in pain from a lower back injury and trapped sciatic nerve, I am home - without pain. Gentle manipulation untrapped my sciatic nerve (I'm not a lover of the crunching that comes from chiropracters), yoga exercises have helped to strengthen the lower back helping to reduce the pain there.

When I went the whites of my eyes had turned a slight yellowish colour - something the doctors weren't concerned about, my liver function tests are fine, but it bothered me. I woke on Sunday morning to find brilliant white eyes shining back at me - the whites of my eyes are finally just that again.

This is not a quick fix solution, I know that years of weakness in my back will see the pain return if I don't actively do something to look after it - so I have been furnished with a yoga and meditation routine that will help with that.

I now know the importance of breath - obvious you would think!! But I've actually experienced the healing power of breathing properly and want to continue to reap the benefits of that. I may get some funny looks when making wave sounds with my breath - but I care not, I'm loving the healing benefits.

James and Kim have provided me with an important step in the next phase of my journey in this life and did so with humanity and humility - they are an amazing couple who have taught me so much in one short weekend.

The emphasis now is on me to keep up the good work and continue to treat myself and my body with the love and respect it deserves, the change in me recently is that I actually want to do just that. I want a long and healthy future, I now have some tools to help with that.

I'm likely to be a slightly hippier, veggie version of my former self - more in touch with my inner core, hopefully more rooted, but I know that those of you who count will cope with the new me.

Friday 4 November 2011

With Love

There's a very simply but beautiful quote that goes alongside my last post. It comes from Richard Beckinsale, of former Porridge fame. He died very young but as well as his acting he left us with a beautiful book of poetry and quotes 'With Love' and this is one of my favourite:

"I wish I had arrived at where I am going and had made my discovery. Then perhaps I might be capable of carrying the burden of someone else's happiness and complement their existence by making it happy and complete." Richard Beckinsale.

Let's talk about living......

Ok - so let's talk about living. Flipping heck, I hear you say, will this woman make her mind up?! One minute it's dying, now it's living! Well, maybe one day.....who knows? It's not compulsory.....

That's the thing about this dying lark - it gets you to thinking about living and what it's all about. For the past 11 years I feel like I've had my head down, concentrating on only one thing, living long enough to raise the girls, avoiding the death thing.

But It's hard to avoid the thoughts of dying when the sword of damacles hangs above your head and every now and then it gives you a gentle tap as if to say - hey remember me, I'm still here, not going anywhere.

But like I've said before, I'm here now, and whilst the sword is still up there it doesn't appear to be swinging my way anytime soon. Great news, scary news, really difficult to get your head around news. There's this slight possibility that despite still having leukaemia traceable in my body I could live as long as every one of you - I could grow old (er), grey (er) and dare I say it, slightly mad (der)..........

So here's the thing, what to do with that?

When I was first diagnosed I'd just gone through a difficult divorce, just got my first single house with the girls, just felt like I was getting onto my own feet for probably the first time in my life.....
then the leukaemia happened.

Then, the one thing I thought I'd always be able to rely on, my own self, my own body - turned on me, talk about body dysmorphia. Whilst you can forgive other people for the things they do to you it's so very hard to forgive yourself.

But it's this weekend, I'm taking myself away, I'm retreating. Not because life's too much -  life's difficult, amazing, wonderful and I can never get enough of it.

But because I need some time to learn to forgive this body of mine, to forget the past and to let go of the pain it has had me in for many years now.

With a bit of meditation, yoga, relaxation, massage and general loving of this body perhaps I can let the past go and learn to live again.

So my dear friends, I retreat..............