Friday 9 March 2012

Turning Chapters

There comes a point in life when you realise that it's about Chapters, that the path you were taking and thought would always be there - isn't your path anymore.

I'm on the cusp of a new Chapter in my life - I'm moving into a City, something I never thought I'd do, moving closer to people I know and care about and am privileged to call friends. One thing I've learnt in life is that friends, both old and new, are incredibly important to us human beings.

This Chapter is also about downsizing, simplifying, taking some of the pressure off, gently releasing my foot from the pedal and learning to enjoy life more.  Having a leukaemia diagnosis made me put my life into turbo charge - I felt the need to cram so much into so little time, and I did.

Eleven years on I'm a fully fledged workaholic with a Blackberry glued to my hand and I've lost the ability to just be for any real length of time. This week the Blackberry has been switched off since Monday - and I thought I was doing so well, until my daughter pointed out I was approaching this house sale in a work-like manner!!!

So, I'm excited about this future, looking forward to the change, it's something I thrive upon. But you can't start a new Chapter without reflecting, without a tinge of regret, for what has gone before.

It's only right that we start each Chapter with renewed enthusiasm and excitement and anticipation - it's sad when that time in your life has drawn to a close, it's only fitting that we spend some time mourning it's passing. But only some time.....

It's good to reflect, it's good to feel some regret. But it's not good to dwell, or labour on something - the past, is, quite rightly, just that. I do enough navel gazing.

So, fine city, this former country girl is gonna take you on. Here's hoping you're ready for me!


  1. How delightful to find your blog! I love your writing, your "take" on things, and so very pleased to have found you here! Thank you. HAPPY MOVING TO THE CITY! I just left the city for the desert and a small town of about 200 year-round residents. You and are living opposite realities in some ways and identical ones in other ways. So cool!

  2. Thank you for your kind words - am glad that my ramblings are enjoyed. Can't wait for the city move - enjoy the desert :-)
