Sunday 22 October 2023

Safe spaces

Who believes in tarot cards? I never did…then I had a reading earlier this year. 

Apparently, according to my tarot reading I have the ability to provide safe spaces for people - somewhere they can come, offload and be themselves. What an honour to be able to do that. 

I should also do more of the things I enjoy - whatever they may be….tick. (That is going to be an ongoing mission). 

But the question I had at the end was….if I can create safe spaces for other people….then where do I find my safe space? 

Simple….do more of what I enjoy, have faith, and my safe space will come….. thank god says I - because life is a pretty lonely place without a safe space in it! 

Strangely, unexpectedly, hopefully - a recent encounter left me feeling just that….as though I’d found a safe space, a place where I can be me and be valued. That feeling is rare, let’s hope I can revisit it soon. 

Here’s to safe spaces and being valued in this life x