Saturday 27 June 2015

15 years......

So yesterday was my 15 year cancerversary as us old timers are calling it now. 15 years since I was first diagnosed, since my life, and more importantly my daughter's lives were all turned on their head....

It's a long time to be living with the prospect of dying, the thought that the next blood test can bring the news that the thing inside of you that controls your life, or death, is ready for a fight.

I wouldn't wish Leukaemia on anyone, it's force is so destructive. Die from it, live with it, once you've got it, it never goes away. And leukaemia is just one of many diseases/illnesses that thousands of us are living with every day.

So what did I do to celebrate this momentous occasion? I went to work, carried on as near normal as my days can get.......

I also took the time to contact Molly-Ann's uncle to find out how she is doing, now 21, yesterday was her big birthday celebration - imagine that! Imagine how her family must feel, 15 years ago their beautiful young daughter was on death's door - now she's a gorgeous 21 year old with a bright future ahead of her. Amazing!

I posted my news on the cml sites and had many likes and messages from newbies and others not as far along this journey as me, I don't post often but I knew that a 15 year marker and still going strong would give hope to some who needed it at that moment.

I also got lots of hugs, from people dear to me and from people new to me. You can never get enough hugs in this world I've decided........

And I carried on being a mum......stressing over a daughter stuck in a broken down car on a motorway, getting flowers (and more of those hug things) from the daughter still at home, and a beautiful message from the daughter now living away.....

Because being a mum has been my reason for being, for staying, for fighting.

Viva la hugs that's what I say..........